Faux Silly Bandz

Well, unless you live under a rock, you have witnessed the Silly Bandz craze that has swept the schools and pool decks everywhere this summer. Children from the ages of 3 to 33 love these plastic bracelets that come in every shape imaginable. My kids are only 6 and 8 but the older one is realllllly, like OMG, into these bracelets. She counts them, trades them with friends, and piles them so high on her arm that she looks like she is wearing a plastic sleeve. A package of bracelets usually cost between $4 and $5. Hey, that adds up after awhile. So, imagine my glee when I found the knock off version at Walmart for only 2 bucks! They had a bunch to choose from: Alphabet, Animal, Rocker, Fruit, Bugs, Girly Stuff, and even some Sea Creatures. Since my kids are so used to my vehement "no" when they ask to buy more Silly Bandz, they were shocked when I said yes. Throw those fakes into the cart, I said! For $2, who cares if they break? Plus, really, isn't that a rule of fashion? Mix your knock off stuff with your real and no one will ever be the wiser but your wallet. Plus, with the extra money, you can brace yourself for the next trend to come around the corner.

Fake Bake

"Summertime is finally here"......that song was playing in my head a couple of months ago but now I am singing my own tune, "Is summertime finally OVER???". I love summer with the kids but I think these long, hot days have worn us all out and we are ready to get back into a groove. So, being a twin to Martha Stewart (not!), I decided to bake a cake over the weekend to spice things up. Problem was that, I had no cake baking gear (and really no cake baking abilities). But all of these problems could be solved at my local WalMart. I bought 2 round cake pans for only $4/piece and a beautiful, clear, heavy glass cake stand for $6.97. That's right, not even 7 bucks for a cake stand. I was very excited about this find since I have been on the hunt for a cake stand. I like a simple cake stand best because it lets you add your own decorations. I headed home with gear and ingredients in hand and whipped up a yellow cake (out of a box) with homemade chocolate butter cream. I guess that is more like the semi-homemade chick than Martha but hey, my cake was 1/2 "homemade". I think baking out of a box is homemade anyhow. I mean, you literally make it at home instead of buying it at the store, right? My cake turned out great and my family was very impressed. Plus, what's better than your kids on a sugar high when you are all stuck in the house on a rainy day?

Chocolate Buttercream Frosting Recipe
2 cups (4 sticks) unsalted butter, room temp.
12 ounces semisweet chocolate, melted and cooled
3-4 tbs. milk
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
3 1/1 cups confectioners sugar

In a bowl, beat the butter with an electric mixer until smooth and creamy. On low speed, add chocolate until just combined. Add milk, vanilla and some of the sugar. Mix on medium. Keep adding the sugar on medium mixing speed until well combined.
(Additional note: I added a tablespoon of cocoa powder as was suggested by someone in the Internet. I wouldn't do that next time, a little to cocoa-y for us!)